
Monday, October 4, 2010

historic homes

Since we had family in town this weekend, I decided to take them on a Sunday drive to see some of my favorite historic homes in the area.  I just love the character that these homes have.  Here are a few of the ones that we drove past.
                                                 I love the stonework and cool lanterns on this one
(click photos to enlarge)

and slate roofs and window boxes

Look at this roof!

This is a unique entrance to a garden.

I love this cute little fall display of mums and pumpkins...

Happy Monday!  Hope you all had nice weekend.


  1. Beautiful! I gave you an award the other day and sent a message. Maybe you didn't get it! Stop on over and check it out!


  2. Mmmm! I love old houses with all their character! These are great!

    Christene {}
