
Thursday, November 4, 2010

the mirror that almost was...

Not everything comes up roses in le jardin.  I found a brand new (overstock from a hotel order) floor length, beveled mirror, with a heavy, thick, black, wood frame from the THRIFT STORE~ and it was only $15.00!   I was so excited because I have been wanting to redo our master closet, and I knew the mirror would fit there perfectly. 

It came packaged in brown paper and not checked for any defects.  I carefully brought it home, set it up in my foyer, and started peeling back the paper.  And there, at the bottom, was the biggest crack ever.  I thought for a long time about the different ways I could cover it up, until I finally realized that nothing would work.  I loved it so much, and it was just the right size.   Sadly, I had to take it back to the store.

My perfect mirror~not so perfect.  I know I will never find one that good for that price again!  (a downside to shopping thrift strores)  Now I know to always open packages and boxes.  On a happier note, come back tomorrow, so I can show you my latest creation~ a fun Thanksgiving centerpiece!

1 comment:

  1. That would have been a great deal! A few weeks ago I was so excited about an awesome vanity light I had found in the thrift store. Before I checked out I decided to open the box to make sure it was the same as the picture. It wasn't. They had used the new box but put the old ugly fixture in it. I was so glad I checked, now I always do!
