
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

$5 nativity tradition

Can you believe someone would give this away?  I found it at the thrift store for $5.  It is worth so much more than that to me.  It is larger than your typical creche~Joseph is about 8 inches tall.  Each piece is  larger than my hands.  When I was growing up, my father put a small light bulb in the stable of our nativity.  He left the light on all month long until Christmas so that we would always remember the light of the Savior.  I thought that was one of our best traditions.  I am displaying mine on my mantle with an electric candle next to it as a reminder to keep the light of Christ in our home thoughout the holidays.

Don't forget, my "Winter Magic" giveaway is still going on~if you haven't yet signed up to be a follower, this is a great opportunity!



  1. I love nativity scenes in fact at this time it is the only item of Christmas that I have out in my house

    I have several different sets and have shared them with family members as they start up their own houses at Christmas

  2. I LOve this tradition! I'm seeking out ways to make Christmas meaningful for children, would you please link this post up to my party
    thanks for sharing such a simple but beautiful tradition

  3. I love an all-white nativity. I have one as well. For some reason it seams so much more serene.


  4. This truly is a beautiful nativity. I am posting about mine tomorrow.
