
Thursday, November 21, 2013

My boy "AzMatic" and Rapping with the Carpenters

Hey everyone.  We are still here plugging away at the floor.  It is absolutely beautiful, but with busy week day schedules, it seems that Saturdays are our only real days to work on it.  I can't wait to show you.  It is actually pretty fun.  We chose a click and lock floating wood floor, so it is like putting in puzzle pieces! There is great satisfaction for me in clicking in each plank.  :)  Without a stove/oven for a month, we have done pretty well with the crock pot and microwave for meals.  Did you know you can cook pasta in the crock pot?  I've had to get pretty creative!  I think I need to get some of those crock pot liners...

I know I slow my husband down a bit because I analyze where each plank should go.  My right brain says to really mix it up...put a light piece next to a dark piece....put completely different patterns together, and vary the length of the planks.  :)   That way it will look really authentic and as if it has been there for years.  We are half way done, and it has taken us longer than we thought it would.  I didn't realize that moving all of the furniture and putting down new wood floors would cause me to do some deep cleaning...which made me analyze my whole decorating scheme...which made me realize I want to make new curtains, get new chairs and rugs, paint the piano bench, slipcover furniture, and get rid of lots of stuff.  I guess it's a domino effect!
So, I will probably have lots of new projects to share in the coming months.

A few months ago, my son Ryan was looking through all my old records for good "beats" for rapping.  He has a way with words, and is a talented artist.  It was so fun when he was listening to old albums with me and telling me how good they were.  :)  He loves rap, but there is not a lot of  "clean" choices out there to listen to.  So, he got permission to use a beat he found online.  Then, he wrote his own lyrics, and produced his own "clean" rap.  He went to a local recording studio for the finishing touches.  The result?  I couldn't be prouder, and his peers and other successful online rappers are loving it.  He put together a great song with outstanding lyrics.  And, we laugh, because he is may be the only white LDS mc/rapper you may have ever heard of, or will ever hear of, and this might be the cleanest rap out there!  He is lighting up twitter and gaining a following.  My favorite is his last phrase of the rap...

If you got good seeds to plant, lets get it started.
but if you just got weeds to plant, get out my garden.

So proud of my boy for having the courage to put his art out there!

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