You know how it goes...It's 4:00 p.m. and I'm not sure what I'm going to make for dinner. I don't know if I have any ingredients to make anything anyway, and I am too tired to look in my pantry, and too tired to even consider being creative. Guilt. Why didn't I plan ahead? My friend recently spoke to our youth group about budgeting. She had so many great things to share with them. One of them was this Weekly Meal Planner. I love it. Now I can print it out, take a few minutes to plan my meals for the week, and sit back and relax! I have the whole week covered! I save time and money by only making one trip to the grocery store. I can plan for leftovers, and make sure my family is eating healthy meals.
For example, my friend makes a roast on Sunday. She plans her main "meat" meal of the week for Sunday. One week she had "funeral potatoes" and broccoli with the roast, and then strawberry shortcake for dessert. On Monday, she used the left over roast beef to make shredded beef tacos! Tuesday and Wednesday are chicken dishes (leftovers...casserole). Thursday is a busy night for her, so her husband always grills on Thursdays. Friday, they always have pizza (not necessarily ordered out...sometimes frozen or homemade), and Saturday is always "breakfast for dinner" such as breakfast burritos with yogurt smoothies and cinnamon rolls. We usually have pancakes or something like that on Saturdays.
With the kids headed back to school, this is a great tool for meal organization and will save you money!
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