After finding this cool handbag here, I have been keeping an eye out for other vintage purses at yard sales and rummage sales as well. Since I love navy, these two purses caught my attention. I found them both at an indoor rummage sale called Boutique at the Rink. Proceeds from the sale go to a wonderful cause~cancer patients.
I can't even tell you how much they cost, because I stopped in on the last day, which happened to be the bag sale...everything that you could fit in a bag for a designated price. I'm sure I got them for a few dollars each though, because I stuffed an awful lot into that bag! It's funny because just like the other purse, people compliment me all the time. I forget I am using them until someone says, "I like your purse!" I'm always quick to point out where I get my stuff, because I want people to know that you don't have to spend a lot of money to find great things. And, it's great to recycle! I picked them up, because I liked the beading on the one, and the shape and white stitching on the navy of the other. I'm guessing the navy leather one is from the 1980's or 1970's. Does anyone know? Either way, I think they are fun.
Have you found any fun, old handbags? What kind/color are you drawn to?
Love the navy saddlebag! I'm inspired to find something similar!