On January 2, 2011, I wrote this post. It's hard to believe it has already been a year. I must say that sharing my thoughts with you during that post helped me complete the projects on my to do list and think about my priorities. My son finished his Eagle Scout Project, I opened my Etsy shop, (more goods coming soon!) and finished the illustrations for the children's book.
More importantly, I'm still trying to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. I'm still trying to strengthen my relationship with my family... and I'm still working on keeping the house up, sticking to bedtimes, and serving healthy meals. (not doing so hot on those last two.)
The other day, while I was editing photos, and a subtle feeling and a thought came to me. A feeling that God saw something of more value in my life than what I thought was important. I was directed to this article, and learned how to begin a truly abundant life this year. I hope you will read it. I loved this quote...
“The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.”
~William James
It has already made a difference in my thought patterns the last few days. I am catching myself more often when I think negatively, and I am looking for the simple beauty of life and love all around me. So, my goal this year is to remember my ABC's! The A for attitude, the B for believing in myself, and the C for facing challenges with courage. Will you take on this challenge with me? I believe it will make a difference in our lives.
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