I'm trying to keep up with all of the holiday preparation. Once again, I made red velvet cupcakes for the various parties this year. I always "think" that I am going to make cookies and truffles and many other delicious holiday treats, but it never happens. Things are always so busy, that I end up just making cupcakes. But that's okay. I think they're cute, and now I have a new tradition going.
Here's a little tip. I use an ice cream scoop (you know the kind with the "trigger" to pop out the scoop of ice cream) to plop the cake batter into the liners. That way, you don't "dribble" all over the pan, and you can measure out consistent amounts of batter so that your cupcakes will all be the same size.
(I couldn't resist. When they came out of the oven, I tore into one while it was still hot. :)
Then I frost them with cream cheese frosting (from the can of course at this time of year) like this...

from this wonderful tutorial here.
And besides baking cupcakes and everything else that zaps my time around the holidays, I had the opportunity to do a little of this last week...
at two local libraries. It was a lot of fun sharing my book, and showing the children how I made the illustrations. Dad and I have been pleasantly surprised by all of the great feedback and sales!
I guess it's time to get back to cleaning the house. A tornado touched down in my house this weekend, and I am left to clean up the aftermath all by myself. :)
Oh my gosh, that's so neat that you are an illustrator. You don't have to be so modest about it. :)